Estado do tempo em Shumard Peak


Red Flag Warning issued March 14 at 3:40AM CDT until March 14 at 9:00PM CDT by NWS Midland/Odessa TX...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON CDT /11 AM MDT/TODAY TO 9 PM CDT /8 PM MDT/ THIS EVENING FOR 20-FT WINDS OF20 MPH OR MORE, RELATIVE HUMIDITY OF 15% OR LESS, AND VERY HIGHTO EXTREME FIRE DANGER FOR WIND AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FORWEST TEXAS AND SOUTHEAST NEW MEXICO...* WINDS...West 35 to 45 mph with gusts up to 70 mph.* RELATIVE HUMIDITY...As low as 6 percent.* RFTI...6 or critical.* IMPACTS... Avoid the use of open flames or any activities thatmay generate sparks. Extinguish smoking material in vehicles.Accidental ignitions will have the potential to grow intodangerous wind-driven wildfires.* SEVERITY...FUELS (ERC)...90th+ percentile...5 (out of 5).WEATHER...Critical...3 (out of 5).FIRE ENVIRONMENT...8 (out of 10).A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditionsare either occurring now or will shortly. A combination of strongwinds, low relative humidity and warm temperatures will increasepotential for fire growth.

National Weather Service

High Wind Warning issued March 14 at 1:32AM MDT until March 15 at 6:00AM MDT by NWS Midland/Odessa TX* WHAT...For the High Wind Warning, west winds 35 to 55 mph withgusts up to 80 mph expected. For the Blowing Dust Advisory,visibility between one-quarter and one mile in blowing dustexpected.* WHERE...Guadalupe Mountains of west Texas and Southeast New Mexico.* WHEN...For the High Wind Warning, until 6 AM MDT /7 AM CDT/Saturday. For the Blowing Dust Advisory, from 6 AM MDT /7 AM CDT/this morning to 8 PM MDT /9 PM CDT/ this evening.* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to reduced visibility.In addition to reduced visibility, strong winds will be hazardousto trailers and other high-profile vehicles. Travel will bedifficult, especially for high profile vehicles like campers,vans, and tractor trailers. Aviation interests may experiencelocalized but extreme turbulence, or strong downward airflows ifflying in the near the Guadalupe Mountains.Persons with respiratory problems should make preparations to stayindoors until the storm passes. Be ready for a sudden drop invisibility to near zero. If you encounter blowing dust or blowingsand on the roadway or see it approaching, pull off the road as faras possible and put your vehicle in park. Turn the lights all theway off and keep foot off the brake pedal. Remember, 'Pull Aside,Stay Alive'.Slow down, use low-beam headlights, and leave plenty of distancebetween you and other vehicles.Winds will be particularly hazardous at higher elevations where thestrongest winds are likely to occur. Be especially careful drivingin these mountainous areas. People driving high-profile vehiclesshould strongly consider postponing travel in these areas until thewinds subside.Use caution if flying low near the mountains as severe turbulence ispossible.Use caution when driving as blowing dust may reduce visibility.

National Weather Service

Blowing Dust Advisory issued March 14 at 1:32AM MDT until March 14 at 8:00PM MDT by NWS Midland/Odessa TX* WHAT...For the High Wind Warning, west winds 35 to 55 mph withgusts up to 80 mph expected. For the Blowing Dust Advisory,visibility between one-quarter and one mile in blowing dustexpected.* WHERE...Guadalupe Mountains of west Texas and Southeast New Mexico.* WHEN...For the High Wind Warning, until 6 AM MDT /7 AM CDT/Saturday. For the Blowing Dust Advisory, from 6 AM MDT /7 AM CDT/this morning to 8 PM MDT /9 PM CDT/ this evening.* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to reduced visibility.In addition to reduced visibility, strong winds will be hazardousto trailers and other high-profile vehicles. Travel will bedifficult, especially for high profile vehicles like campers,vans, and tractor trailers. Aviation interests may experiencelocalized but extreme turbulence, or strong downward airflows ifflying in the near the Guadalupe Mountains.Persons with respiratory problems should make preparations to stayindoors until the storm passes. Be ready for a sudden drop invisibility to near zero. If you encounter blowing dust or blowingsand on the roadway or see it approaching, pull off the road as faras possible and put your vehicle in park. Turn the lights all theway off and keep foot off the brake pedal. Remember, 'Pull Aside,Stay Alive'.Slow down, use low-beam headlights, and leave plenty of distancebetween you and other vehicles.Winds will be particularly hazardous at higher elevations where thestrongest winds are likely to occur. Be especially careful drivingin these mountainous areas. People driving high-profile vehiclesshould strongly consider postponing travel in these areas until thewinds subside.Use caution if flying low near the mountains as severe turbulence ispossible.Use caution when driving as blowing dust may reduce visibility.

National Weather Service

Estado do tempo em Shumard Peak

Céu limpo

+16 °C

Vento 28 kmh

Céu limpo

Dá a impressão de
Pressão atmosférica
Ponto de orvalho

Nascer do sol
Pôr do sol
Duração do dia

Data e hora

997.2 hPa
16 km

11 h 54 min

14/03 2:53 am

Observado em

Tempo hoja


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