Estado do tempo em Hill Country Church

Fire Weather Watch issued March 12 at 9:29PM CDT until March 14 at 9:00PM CDT by NWS Austin/San Antonio TX...GUSTY WINDS AND VERY DRY AIR BEHIND A DRYLINE AND PACIFICFRONT WILL RESULT IN CRITICAL FIRE WEATHER CONDITIONS FRIDAYAFTERNOON AND EVENING....A dryline and Pacific cold front are expected to sweep acrossSouth Central Texas during the day Friday. Strong westerly windsand very dry air behind the front will likely bring critical fireweather conditions across much of the region. These conditionswill quickly spread eastward, becoming widespread along and westof the I-35 corridor by noon. Sustained westerly winds of 15-25mph are expected. Peak gusts up to 45 mph are expected over thesouthern Edwards Plateau and Hill Country, with gusts of 25-35 mphalong the I-35 corridor and Rio Grande Plains. Relativehumidities will be very low across the entirety of South CentralTexas with widespread values of 5-15 percent along and west of theI-35 corridor. Winds are forecast to diminish after sunset.* TIMING...From Friday afternoon through Friday evening.* WINDS...West 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 35-45 mph.* RELATIVE HUMIDITY...As low as 5 percent.* TEMPERATURES...80 to 90 in the Southern Edwards Plateau, HillCountry, and I-35 corridor, and up to 100 for the Rio GrandePlains.* IMPACTS...Any fires that develop will rapidly increase in sizeand intensity, move quickly, and be very difficult to control.A Fire Weather Watch means that critical fire weather conditionsare forecast to occur. Listen for later forecasts and possibleRed Flag Warnings.
National Weather Service
Estado do tempo em Hill Country Church

+19 °C

Céu geralmente limpo
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Pressão atmosférica
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Duração do dia
Data e hora
1009.8 hPa
16 km
11 h 54 min
13/03 1:51 am
Observado em
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