Estado do tempo em Ft Worth Transition Center

Red Flag Warning issued March 13 at 2:44PM CDT until March 14 at 9:00PM CDT by NWS Fort Worth TX...DANGEROUS FIRE WEATHER CONDITIONS EXPECTED ON FRIDAY...The National Weather Service in Fort Worth has issued a Red FlagWarning for very strong winds gusts up to 65 mph and very lowrelative humidity values, which is in effect from 11 AM to 9 PMCDT Friday.* AFFECTED AREA...All of North and Central Texas.* TIMING...Late Friday morning into Friday evening.* WINDS...Southwest 25 to 40 mph with gusts up to 65 mph.* RELATIVE HUMIDITY...As low as 10 percent.* TEMPERATURES...75 to 87 degrees.* IMPACTS...Rapid spread of wildfires is possible due to verystrong southwesterly winds and low relative humidity values.A Red Flag Warning means that extreme fire weather conditions areeither occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of strongwinds, low relative humidity, and dry vegetation can contributeto extreme fire behavior. Avoid all outside burning and weldingtoday. Do not toss lit cigarette butts outside. Report wild firesto the nearest fire department or law enforcement office.
National Weather Service

High Wind Warning issued March 13 at 2:07PM CDT until March 14 at 7:00PM CDT by NWS Fort Worth TX* WHAT...Southwest winds 25 to 40 mph with gusts up to 65 mphexpected.* WHERE...Portions of North and Central Texas.* WHEN...From 7 AM to 7 PM CDT Friday.* IMPACTS...Damaging winds will blow down trees and damage property.Power outages are possible. Travel will be difficult, especiallyfor high profile vehicles.Remain in the lower levels of your home during the windstorm, andavoid windows. Watch for falling debris and tree limbs. Use cautionif you must drive.
National Weather Service
Estado do tempo em Ft Worth Transition Center

+29 °C

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1003.4 hPa
11 km
11 h 54 min
13/03 5:52 pm
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