Estado do tempo em United States Forest Service San Bernardino National Forest Station 37 Etiwanda


High Wind Warning issued January 9 at 7:50PM PST until January 10 at 6:00AM PST by NWS San Diego CA* WHAT...Strong northeast winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mphwill continue overnight and taper off early Friday. Wind gusts asstrong as 75 mph in wind prone mountain canyons, passes andridges. Northeast wind decreasing to 10 to 20 mph with gusts to 35mph during Friday morning.* WHERE...Orange County Inland Areas, San Bernardino CountyFoothills and Mountains, San Bernardino and Riverside CountyValleys-The Inland Empire, and Santa Ana Mountains and Foothills.* WHEN...Until 6 AM PST Friday.* IMPACTS...Possible wind damage to trees and unsecured objects.* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...A red flag warning is also in effect for allmountains and the Inland Empire.

National Weather Service

Air Quality Alert issued January 9 at 2:45PM PST by NWS San Diego CA* WHAT...The South Coast AQMD has issued an air quality alert due toincreased fine particle pollution from wildfire smoke. The SouthCoast AQMD has issued a mandatory wood-burning ban for residentsin the South Coast Air Basin. The No-Burn rule bans burning wood,pellets, and manufactured fire logs in any indoor or outdoor wood-burning device.* WHERE...Wildfire smoke in Orange and San Bernardino Counties andwood burning ban in the South Coast Air Basin, which includesOrange County and the non-desert portion of Los Angeles, Riversideand San Bernardino Counties. No-Burn Day alerts do not apply toareas above 3,000 feet in elevation, the Coachella Valley, or theHigh Desert. Homes that rely on wood as a sole source of heat, low-income households and those without natural gas service also areexempt from the requirement.* WHEN...Wildfire smoke until 5 pm Friday and wood-burning banthrough Friday.* IMPACTS...Particle pollution can get deep into the lungs and causeserioushealth problems such as heart attacks, strokes, asthma attacks,and difficulty breathing. Everyone can be affected, but people withlung or heart disease, older adults, people who are pregnant,children, and those who spend a lot of time outdoors are at greaterrisk.To protect your health, if you smell or see smoke:* Remain indoors with windows and doors closed* Avoid intense outdoor physical activity* Run your air conditioner and/or an air purifier* If you must be outdoors, keep the time brief and wear a well-fitting N-95 mask* Do not use whole house fans or swamp coolers that bring in outsideair if you have other methods to stay cool* Avoid other sources of pollution such as fireplaces, candles,incense, grilling, and gasoline-powered lawn and garden equipmentAlso check air quality levels and act as needed:* When Air Quality Index (AQI) levels are "Unhealthy for SensitiveGroups" (orange), sensitive groups as specified above should limitextended or intense outdoor activity.* When AQI is "Unhealthy" (red), everyone may experience healthimpacts. Sensitive groups should avoid extended time outdoors.* When AQI is "Very Unhealthy" (purple), sensitive groups should avoidall outdoor physical activity. Everyone else should avoid extendedor intense outdoor activity.* When AQI is "Hazardous" (maroon), everyone should avoid all outdoorphysical activity.* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...In South Coast Air Basin, to view current and forecasted air quality levels,visit the South Coast Air Quality Management District website at aqmd.govor download the mobile app at Additional detailsfor this air quality alert may be available at on the South Coast AQMD Check Before You Burn program isavailable at San Diego, to view current and forecasted air quality levels, visit theSan Diego County Air Pollution Control District website Additional detailsfor this air quality alert may be available Mojave Desert, to view current and forecasted air quality levels,visit the Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District website Additional details for this air quality alert may beavailable at

National Weather Service

Red Flag Warning issued January 9 at 6:51PM PST until January 10 at 6:00PM PST by NWS San Diego CA...A RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IS IN EFFECT THROUGH FRIDAY DUE TOSTRONG SANTA ANA WINDS, POOR OVERNIGHT HUMIDITY RECOVERY AND VERYLOW DAYTIME RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR ALL MOUNTAINS...VALLEYS...SANTAANA MOUNTAINS OF ORANGE COUNTY...AND THE SAN GORGONIO PASS...* WINDS...Northeast 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. Localgusts to 75 mph in the Cajon Pass mountains overnight decreasingduring Friday morning. Winds decreasing to 10 to 20 mph withgusts to 30 mph by Friday afternoon.* RELATIVE HUMIDITY...As low as 6 to 12 percent on Friday. Poorrecovery Thursday night and Friday morning.* IMPACTS...Any wildfires that develop will likely spread rapidly.Dry vegetation. Outdoor burning is not recommended.* LOCATION...San Bernardino and Riverside County Valleys -TheInland Empire and San Bernardino County Mountains-IncludingThe Mountain Top And Front Country Ranger Districts Of The SanBernardino National Forest.A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditionsare either occurring now....or will shortly. A combination ofstrong winds...low relative humidity...and warm temperatures cancontribute to extreme fire behavior.

National Weather Service

Estado do tempo em United States Forest Service San Bernardino National Forest Station 37 Etiwanda

Céu limpo

+21 °C

Vento 57 kmh

Céu limpo

Dá a impressão de
Pressão atmosférica
Ponto de orvalho

Nascer do sol
Pôr do sol
Duração do dia

Data e hora

1020.8 hPa
16 km

10 h 2 min

9/01 8:53 pm

Observado em

Tempo hoja


Céu geralmente limpo



Céu geralmente limpo









Céu geralmente limpo



Encoberto e aguaceiros de neve molhada



Nublado e chuva fraca






Céu limpo


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