Estado do tempo em Howell Mountain
Freeze Warning issued November 15 at 11:49AM PST until November 16 at 8:00AM PST by NWS San Francisco CA* WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 29 expected.* WHERE...Most of San Benito County and the Cholame Hills inSoutheast Monterey County, North Bay Interior Mountains, North BayInterior Valleys, and Southern Salinas Valley/Arroyo Seco and LakeSan Antonio.* WHEN...From midnight tonight to 8 AM PST Saturday.* IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops, othersensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoorplumbing. Cold conditions will be hazardous to sensitivepopulations such as unhoused individuals.Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold.To prevent water pipes from freezing; wrap or drain or allow them todrip slowly.Be sure to open sink cabinet doors and/or drip faucets. This mayhelp reduce or prevent damage to uninsulated pipes and otherplumbing.
National Weather Service
Estado do tempo em Howell Mountain
+8 °C
Céu limpo
Dá a impressão de
Pressão atmosférica
Ponto de orvalho
Nascer do sol
Pôr do sol
Duração do dia
Data e hora
1016.3 hPa
16 km
10 h 4 min
15/11 7:53 pm
Observado em
Tempo hoja
Mais quente e mais frio
Wageningen, Suriname
Vitorino Freire, Brazil
Santiago del Estero, Argentine
Colonia Menno, Paraguay
Bafoulabé, Mali
Ashkāsham, Afghanistan
Kupwāra, India
Oberdiessbach, Switzerland
Maleevsk, Kazakhstan
Saqqaq, Greenland