Estado do tempo em Emmanuel Presbyterian Church
Red Flag Warning issued November 5 at 11:33AM PST until November 7 at 7:00AM PST by NWS San Francisco CA...RED FLAG WARNING NOW IN EFFECT THROUGH THURSDAY MORNING FORTHE BAY AREA AND CENTRAL COAST AS STRONG OFFSHORE WINDS ANDCRITICALLY DRY CONDITIONS DEVELOP....Strong offshore winds are increasing across the higher elevationsof the Bay Area and Central Coast with strong winds becoming morewidespread across the lower elevations this afternoon. North tonortheasterly wind gusts will average between 25 and 50 mph,particularly across the higher terrain of the Santa CruzMountains, East Bay Hills, North Bay Mountains, as well asinterior portions of Napa and Sonoma counties. In particular,these areas of Napa and Sonoma counties have an increasedlikelihood of wind gusts between 60 to 70 mph starting lateTuesday and continuing through the day on Wednesday. Afternoonhumidity values will range between the single digits and 25percent. Overnight humidity recovery will be poor with readingsbetween 20 and 45 percent. The combination of the aforementionedwinds and humidity will translate to fires exhibiting a largeresistance to control and thereby creating a hazardous and extremewildfire environment. Fire crews and residents are urged toremain abreast of the weather forecast over the next couple ofdays.* AFFECTED AREA...Fire Weather Zone 006 San Francisco, FireWeather Zone 502 Marin Coastal Range, Fire Weather Zone 503Sonoma Coastal Range, Fire Weather Zone 504 North Bay InteriorMountains, Fire Weather Zone 506 North Bay Interior Valleys,Fire Weather Zone 508 San Francisco Bay Shoreline, FireWeather Zone 509 San Francisco Peninsula Coast, Fire WeatherZone 510 East Bay Interior Valleys, Fire Weather Zone 512Santa Cruz Mountains, Fire Weather Zone 513 Santa Clara ValleyIncluding San Jose, Fire Weather Zone 514 Eastern Santa ClaraHills, Fire Weather Zone 515 East Bay Hills, Fire Weather Zone517 Santa Lucia Mountains and Los Padres National Forest, FireWeather Zone 518 Mountains of San Benito County And InteriorMonterey County including Pinnacles National Park and FireWeather Zone 529 Northern Monterey Bay.* TIMING...11 AM Tuesday until 7 AM Thursday.* WINDS...North 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. Across theNorth Bay Interior Mountains, gusts up to 60 to 70 mph.* RELATIVE HUMIDITY...Between 5 to 25 percent.* LIGHTNING...None anticipated.* IMPACTS...Despite recent rainfall, a long duration offshoreflow event is anticipated. This will result in the rapidcuring of fuels. The combination of strong winds and lowhumidity will cause fire to rapidly grow in size andintensity. Outdoor burning is not recommended and may beprohibited in some areas.A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditionsare either occurring now...or will shortly. A combination ofstrong winds...and low relative humidity can contribute toextreme fire behavior.
National Weather Service
Estado do tempo em Emmanuel Presbyterian Church
+22 °C
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1017.2 hPa
16 km
10 h 26 min
5/11 2:53 pm
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