Estado do tempo em Copper Prince Mine

Wind Advisory issued March 12 at 2:03PM MST until March 13 at 11:00PM MST by NWS Tucson AZ* WHAT...Southwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 55 mphexpected. These winds will produce areas of blowing dust reducingvisibility between 1 and 3 miles.* WHERE...Much of southeastern Arizona.* WHEN...From 11 AM to 11 PM MST Thursday.* IMPACTS...Blowing dust may reduce visibility at times. Strongwinds may make driving difficult for high-profile vehicles. Gustywinds will blow around unsecured objects. Tree limbs could beblown down. Blowing dust may reduce visibility at times.Winds this strong can make driving difficult, especially for highprofile vehicles. Use extra caution.
National Weather Service
Estado do tempo em Copper Prince Mine

+10 °C

Céu limpo
Dá a impressão de
Pressão atmosférica
Ponto de orvalho
Nascer do sol
Pôr do sol
Duração do dia
Data e hora
1014.5 hPa
16 km
11 h 49 min
12/03 11:51 pm
Observado em
Tempo hoja
Mais quente e mais frio
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Honiara, Solomon Islands
Beaufort, Malaysia
Kuala Belait, Brunei
Morehead, Papua New Guinea
Kokpekty, Kazakhstan
Point Lay, United States
McMurdo Station, Antarctica
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Fort Simpson, Canada