Estado do tempo em Svenskenipa

Water discharge is expected to increase because of rain and snowmelt. This may cause local inundation where river channels are filled with ice and because of frozen ground. It also may cause ice drift in streams, with subsequent local inundation. Extensive floods, erosion damage and flood damage to buildings and infrastructure. Extreme situation that occurs very rarely, requires immediate attention and may cause severe damagesEmergency authorities must be prepared for the fact that building and infrastructure in general may be subject to serious incidents. Keep away from rivers and streams with high flow. Cleaning of drainage paths and culverts is recommended. Secure and/or move assets away from vulnerable areas (car, caravan along rivers/streams, basements). Stay informed on the situation.

Water discharge is expected to increase because of rain and snowmelt. This may cause local inundation where river channels are filled with ice and because of frozen ground. It also may cause ice drift in streams, with subsequent local inundation. Extensive floods, erosion damage and flood damage to buildings and infrastructure. Severe situation that occurs rarely, requires contingency preparedness and may cause severe damagesEmergency authorities must be prepared for the fact that building and infrastructure in general may be subject to serious incidents. Keep away from rivers and streams with high flow. Cleaning of drainage paths and culverts is recommended. Secure and/or move assets away from vulnerable areas (car, caravan along rivers/streams, basements). Stay informed on the situation.

Situation that requires vigilance and may cause local damagesStay informed on the situation. Keep away from rivers and streams with high flow.
Estado do tempo em Svenskenipa

+8 °C

Encoberto e chuva fraca
Dá a impressão de
Pressão atmosférica
Ponto de orvalho
Nascer do sol
Pôr do sol
Duração do dia
Data e hora
1003 hPa
10 km
10 h 55 min
7/03 3:50 am
Observado em