Estado do tempo em Masseria Palmieri
Moderate intensity weather phenomena expected ionic part (DISCLAIMER: Information provided on METEOALARM for Italy regard only the intensity and recurrence of the phenomena, further details can be found at METEOALARM information do not provide the assessment of impact on the territory and they do not represent the Official Alerts messages that are issued by the National Civil Protection Service AWARE, keep up to date with the latest weather forecast. Expect some minor disruption to outdoor activities
Meteo Aeronautica
Estado do tempo em Masseria Palmieri
+12 °C
Céu limpo
Dá a impressão de
Pressão atmosférica
Ponto de orvalho
Nascer do sol
Pôr do sol
Duração do dia
Data e hora
1026 hPa
10 km
9 h 17 min
27/12 7:51 am
Observado em
Tempo hoja
Mais quente e mais frio
Palu, Indonesia
Parit Buntar, Malaysia
Dasol, Philippines
Saipipi, Independent State of Samoa
Tennant Creek, Australia
Aklavik, Canada
Zyryanovsk, Kazakhstan
Atqasuk, United States
Ulaangom, Mongolia
Aliskerovo, Russia