Estado do tempo em Chokio Post Office


Fire Weather Watch issued September 29 at 2:15PM CDT until September 30 at 8:00PM CDT by NWS Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN...NEAR-CRITICAL FIRE WEATHER CONDITIONS ACROSS PORTIONS OFWESTERN AND SOUTHWESTERN MINNESOTA MONDAY....Monday will see a dry cold front sweeping west to east across theregion, reaching western Minnesota by the early afternoon bothincreasing winds and significantly lowering dew points. Minimumhumidity values could reach the teens in spots, with low to mid20s across a large portion of western Minnesota as dew points areexpected to drop from near 50 ahead of the front to the low to mid30s behind the front as highs reach the upper 70s to near 80.Winds will increase out of the northwest behind the front withgusts of 25-30mph possible mainly during the late afternoon toevening in western Minnesota. Winds are generally expected to beweaker east of a line stretching from St. Cloud to Mankato due tothe timing of the front, with a later arrival time allowing for agap between the lowest humidity and strongest winds arrivingafter sunset. The Fire Weather Watch covers the area most likelyto have ideal timing of the frontal passage, allowing for thestrongest winds to sync up with the lowest humidity. The mainobstacle to achieving Red Flag conditions will be winds not quitereaching that 30mph gust threshold on a frequent enough basis assustained winds remain in the 15-20mph range.The National Weather Service in Twin Cities/Chanhassen has issueda Fire Weather Watch, which is in effect from Monday morningthrough Monday evening.* AFFECTED AREA...For Douglas, Pope, Stevens, Swift, Chippewa,Kandiyohi, Lac Qui Parle, Yellow Medicine, Renville, Redwood,Brown, Watonwan, and Martin counties.* WIND...South shifting northwest 15-20 mph with gusts up to 30mph.* HUMIDITY...As low as 18 percent.* IMPACTS...any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly.Outdoor burning is not recommended.A Fire Weather Watch means that critical fire weather conditionsare forecast to occur. Listen for later forecasts and possibleRed Flag Warnings.

National Weather Service

Estado do tempo em Chokio Post Office

Céu limpo

+28 °C

Vento 22 kmh

Céu limpo

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Data e hora

1016.3 hPa
16 km

11 h 46 min

29/09 2:15 pm

Observado em

Tempo hoja


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